Dim Fire, Modern Crier

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There are folks hungry for something that they can’t find words for. The Normals are blissfully unaware of this sensation, or worse, they’ve ignored and pushed it down so long that they no longer realize it’s what brings L I F E.

He grabbed my throat, I could feel the blade of his knife

I touched his hand 'cause I knew he would take my life

I looked in his face, I saw the hate in his eyes

I looked at my girl and I heard her helpless cries


I enjoy asking Instagram followers what they want to read about. Is nice to see where the curiosity of young animals points. I value this. Yesterday I got this one;

BAP, for the down-horrendously uncultured, is Bronze Age Pervert, anonymous author of Bronze Age Movement. Inspiring book packed with white pills on the future of young man.

As preface I’ll say I don’t agree with all of BAP, but that doesn’t discount what he’s done for a disenfranchised demographic. And despite this my social media ‘brand, presence, ideas’ did align with many of his before I knew he existed.

This is the type of ‘coincidence’ impossible to ignore. Thus, his words stuck.

This is not analysis of his work. Not analysis of my beliefs. Not a formulaic approach to anything. This is attempt to explain something that, by definition, should never be put into words. It kills it’s own magic:

Something you’ve noticed if you have two eyes and half a brain is, like fren mentioned, people moving like zombies, dead eys. This in itself is ugly and demoralizing. Fleshy embodiments of apathy, lethargy, no real purpose. No zest, no sauce. You’ve seen this more than you’ve seen the opposite.

It’s not worth spending time on the Yeast. You know them. They get bored easy. They accept defeat quickly. They’re passive. They yawn often. Their light has been strangled of oxygen, pushing them to dangerous levels of ‘nothing matters.’ They are the body versions of nihilism and too much time around them will make you sleepy or so restless to get away that you almost feel the need to strangle them, run to woods, get naked, scream to the sky.

This is why person walking opposite of this, human running wild with spirit, unbridled energy, childlike curiosity is so hard to forget. They stand out in a way you’re not used to because of just that, they’re true minority. On metaphysical level they are nearing extinction.

Thus, life force, fire of youth, what iz?

Conquest - Pleasure - Living On The Source

Man is meant to explore and conquer. This is large aspect of BAPs philosophy and he says first thing wild animal (of predator nature, I doubt rabbits and weak shit of that category apply..) does when of age is go off in search of SPACE. He doesn’t look for female. He finds territory and learns himself by living. He conquers his environment. Monkey learns the distance between tree limbs, he learns his finger strength. Tiger learns power of his roar, learns how to crouch, hunt, be undetectable. You see this also in young age.

Predator learns what he’s capable of. How far can he push himself? It’s his job, lifelong, to discover that limit and continue pushing it…..

The way this looks for modern man is taking risk, putting himself into new experience, leaving comfort zone, biting off more than he can chew.

FEAR is good. Fear, once you’ve lived through it, gives you a nervous system of lightning. Everything is easy. You’re walking on thunder with the eyes of a hawk. You fill unstoppble. Surfing, sky diving, extreme rock climbing; sports that bring you within inches of death and this distance, this microscopic inch dictating gruesome splatter of your brains is in your hands only. One slip of the knuckles and soaring through the air to death you go. This is Man example of pushing to limits.

Sports isn’t the only place for this. Conquering other realms brings this sense too; modern, high ticket salesman probably live closest to this state of being than we can imagine. Always slightly adrenalined, like their blood stream has a built in pot of coffee. The end goal is the same; conquering. Men of old fight till bloody death and if victorious took war brides and riches. This is what most of The Normals don’t get.

They live permanently on the shore. The never feel the danger of the ocean. The never sense death lurking right below be it riptides, sharks, unknown predator. Worse than this, they never feel what its like to SURVIVE.

Side note - ‘conquering’ women is an elementary version of this. Men innately want to explore, chase, conquer. Women are easier than taking over a foreign village, cyber attacking the white house, but in turn, they’re less fulfilling. Any man still talking about the pussy he gets past the age of 25 is a spiritual toddler that hasn’t matured into the realm of true conquest just yet.

How to tap into first pillar (Conquest) - Put your life on the line. Take shots that, if they hit, make you feel like freight train under cool western nightsky. Powerful, unstoppable.

If you fill sleepy all the time, or lack purpose, you’re very far from where you need to be…

WAR BRIDES, RICHES, brings us to 2nd pillar


BAP says “Animals walk around in a state of permanent religious intoxication. This is the natural condition of the mind and intellect, the moment-to-moment perception, of man as well.”

Modern pleasure can be misconstrued to mean drinking your liver to death, filling lungs with smoke that makes you gay, jacking off until your raw, watching tv until your eyes blister.

This is opposite of pleasure. This is distraction. How pleased do you really feel once coming down, once looking in mirror and seeing how much of a fucking loser you are. Look in that mirror more, think harder, judge yourself deeper, if you still believe these to bring true pleasure.

More so, what BAP gets towards is that moment-to-moment perception. It’s the pleasure from seeing the Suns rays bounce off the hood of your car. The sensation of a summer breeze rolling over every inch of your naked skin. It’s the smell of womans hair before a nightwalk under the glow of loving moon. It is, the moment in its purity.

Watch children. They are masters of this because they’ve yet to be filed down by The World.

Pleasure = childlike curiosity and wonder towards the world around you. It’s the absence of soul strangling logic. Honestly, most probably feel this a total of 5 minutes per week. Walking into café and all senses spark. It stops you for a moment. You can’t put words to why but for a brief half second everything is good. Imagine a puppy absorbed by the miracle of a gnat flying around his nose… what’s that? Why is he so pleased with the mundane? Why aren’t we…

Human today is so worried of tomorrow that every natural and pure pleasure escapes him. I don’t preach to be a blissful faggot with his head in the clouds, oblivious to the dangers around, neither does BAP. That’s why pillar #1 is #1. Conquer and know what you’re capable of. Become more capable by the day.

Pleasure is the natural response to putting your life on the line. It is getting kissed on the cheek by the woman you love after conquering a volatile week.


BAP paraphrased Nietzsche, and I’m attempting to paraphase both off three year old reading memory;

“Mustang walking across field will get grabbed by wild spirit out of nowhere. He’ll start running, like lightning he’ll go left and the herd follows, he’ll flip to the right and herd follows. What grabs him, what moves him across the field in uncontrollable manner?”

Damn! More difficult to type a memory than see it in your head. If anyone finds exact quote please send it to me.

I speak of this impulsiveness in the January 10th writing and it’s where BAP and myself diverge. I don’t think BAP believes in God, some call him pagan but am not sure. He is a brilliant mind regardless.


This is how I personally live with fire of youth. With eyes wide for experience and mouth ready to sink teeth into what ever is brought to me.

Living close to the source is being aligned with your spiritual/religious feelings. It is sheer direction without thought. It is intuition in the most pure form. Unfortunately if you have corroded soul from lying, thieving, murdering, your source will be from below, not heaven, and your impulses will lead to more evil shit.

This is all extremely sensitive.. Is not to be overthought because doing so will send you spiraling through abyss of introspective despair. You have to feel. That’s the fire. Your gut will lead you to the promise lands. Your gut will make life exciting, you won’t out think experiences. You want let worldly anxiety or negatively placed imagination kill a new opportunity.

I’m writing chapter in my book about this. And since this is winding down I can tell I’m not giving it the time it deserves. I will, in due time, find better words to explain this. But hopefully you feel what I mean….

Kerouac put it into words better than I can at this age and I hope you know someone in your head (maybe its you) that you can attach a face to his words:

“the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”"

The most memorable quotes of BAP is something that should be remembered all the time

Chimp in state of nature never jerks off, but in captivity he does, wat does this mean? In state of nature he’s too busy, to put plainly. He is concerned with mastering space: solving problem of life in and under trees, mastering what tools he can, mastering social relations in the jockeying for power and status. Deprived of this drive to development and self-increase he devolves to pointless masturbation, in captivity, where he senses he is in owned space and therefore the futility of all his efforts and all his actions. The onanism of modern society is connected with its supposed “hyper-sexualization” and its infertility. It’s not really hyper-sexualization, but the devolution of the spirit to the lassitude of a diffuse and weak sexuality.”

Do something crazy, in the name of God,


Souled Idea

Blue Eyed Bandit

The Slickest To Ever Touch Earth


Mountain Tears
