18 Days
Let’s play a game with imagination, stretch the limits of reality in your own head. Shhhhhh. Help you of tomorrow gain momentum!
Fren response from form in yesterday writing to which I respond here:
Thank YOU for the support.
Together we can toast to the ending, celebrate the funeral, laugh through the halls of a haunted home! Congrats on the sale, how do you feel? Like the world is your oyster? I hope… this is beginning to understanding Creator economy! 7 days without a single smile or tear makes one weak. Let it flow, be it in private or in front of millions! And congrats on the weight gain. Getting bigger. Bulk city. A powerhouse.
And yes sir frend. Heard loud and clear. I will not take my foot off their necks!
All my steps are memorized
Swaying to a rhythm so nice
Patterns of my feet tattoo the floor
They're frozen there like ice
There is a world infront of you and maybe it’s full of ugly women, yes imagine ugly women. And ugly men. Now think deeper with me. Abandon that shallow thought of yours that says: “He means only the physical.”
No! I mean ugly women, ugly men in the spiritual sense.
Ugly humans of despair.
They hunt distraction. They yawn. Their eyes look like caskets. Their thoughts are pessimistic, even what they say out loud is defeatist. In a sense, they seem completely unaware that their thoughts and actions, no matter how subtle, culminate to create the overall atmosphere for everyone involved.
It’s all sensitive. This is talked about in the Aesthetic Archetypes. We know it by now. We know how fragile our world can be because we are merely experiencers, hooked to that which puts itself infront of us. A Curse and Blessing.
They’re surrounding you. Now there’s food here too. It’s also ugly. Frowning McDonalds burger staring back at you daring you to eat it. It’s attacking your temptation. This is the reality calling your world home.
Sign up n maybe I send you gift of dozen eggs in mail much love - winston
And I am firm believer that through words we cast spells. ie you SPELL words, CURSE words. It all matters and so I want to say I don’t put that curse on you. I don’t imagine your world is uninspiring and full of people with ugly thoughts. But imagine it IS like that.
Now we have the power of imagination. I believe imagination is the fuel of ambition. It’s the driving force that shows your mind something is possible.
So with our setting cemented: Ugly people, nasty food, dilapidated home, lethargic attitude. Use your imagination to see something… more.
This is yours to build. In your mind imagine the best possible outcome for your plans. You have to see it, feel it, in your mental vision reach out an arm and live it.
There’s theory some people can’t envision a simple apple in their mind. They can’t paint the bright red. Can’t give it proper curvature. Can’t design it with .5inch stem and light green leaf.
I don’t know if this is true. I pray it isn’t.
I’ll assume you’re of higher order imaginative function. That you have capability to imagine scene. If you’ve ever experienced anxiety (which I define as ‘negative imagination’) then you have propensitity to create inner mental world and thus you have ability to design a target and THUS, FURTHER, you have a goal that you see as real, one that you can shoot for.
This vision, this ideal you’ve designed in your head is possible to reach. Maybe after decades of hard work. After years of ugly people. But if the personal utopia is able to be imagined in your head, it’s able to be recreated in your real world.
Every act is a step towards that.
Every thought and belief moves you closer or further from your ideal.
It is your vision and yours alone. The only constraint is found in your effort and focus.
When both are aligned nothing can stop you. Maybe your goal here, as well as mine, should be to see if we can will that world in our Heads out into the real world, into the physical where it can be experienced to the fullest.
What is piece of your utopia? Where do you want to be at 38 years old? What are you doing to get there? Are you helping the you of tomorrow gain momentum?
Preorder of Celebrating The Funeral!!!!
(Join the substack, the deal there is worth it and ends Monday.)