Jan09 2022

Theme: friend groups and Purpose

Words: 574

Read Time: Half an espresso

real quick: citi group is firing any employee unvax3ed. if you bank with them consider switching asap.

Feelin’ real Wild. Real free. Real unshackled by the invisible chains others seem to be putting on themselves in hopes of fitting in with the bulk of society (of which I’m convinced don’t even really Like themselves, they just do and say what they believe others want to hear)

This creates some nihilistic, passionless circle of life where you fake it to fit in - fit in with people faking it so they have a peer group - a peer group which is hanging on by a loose thread of faux beliefs. 

Real out of touch. To this people I say lock yourself alone in a bedroom with nothing but an open journal and 2 tabs of acid. Maybe you find out what actually matters to YOU. 

(I play, kind of.. I’ll dive into psychedelics another day)

I understand where they’re coming from. Most would chose to be surrounded by others while being unhappy, than walking true to their Spirit, REAL and be alone. 

But Who’m I to judge?

I want a community too - that’s why I love these post and the readers that have started to reach out. Because I know you’re just like me! You want a piece of the party! You want to create a Ripple! You want to feel A L I V E.

Think this is why I’m so pulled towards the homeless, the bohemians. They don’t fake it so that you ‘like’ them. They don’t say dumb shit like ‘ah the president has created so many jobs for the USA’ in hopes that some left or right leaning dork will befriend them. They don’t give a fuck about you and this is made more apparent when you look objectively about how much they care about even themselves.

Real raw, honest, not trying to fit in because they gave up on that a while ago.

Here’s an interesting email from good fren Tim in Netherlands. Tim senses the same thing I mentioned in Jan07 writing about Lifelessness in the World:

He was redpilled the same was I was. Organically, naturally, just by looking around and feeling that something was missing from Humanity. What’s this piece? For now I call it Soul but as we evolve, maybe we piece together a more accurate name…

Also Tim’s email is even more ironic and funny considering I just bought a mirror for my apartment that was created by a designer in the Netherlands. The mirror is 6 feet tall, a black jagged rectangle with gold studs 3 inches apart all around the border. I only mention because it’s the most ‘Modern’ piece I have and it’s definitely created with less soul. I can feel it. Maybe it sucks away a piece of my Spirit everytime I look into it….

Is the president a clone? Are you an anarchists if your beliefs are the same as fortune 500s and our puppeted government?

But what this piece and what Tim’s entry should really hone in;

Stop faking things. Stop walking in insecurity, hoping to be accepted by people that don’t even enjoy themselves.

Stay true to your Purpose.

If you don’t know your purpose use this formula

Your purpose = 

Your Burden (what annoys you about the world, what do you want to change?)

Your interest (what could you spend hours voluntarily doing?)

Your skills/talents (what do you excel at, above average?)

Combine these and ACT.

Send me something interesting friends!


Souled Idea

Underground Reverend

Tree Stump Preacher


Jan10 2022


Jan08 2022