Jan20 2022

themE: being indoors, lounging

words: 682

read tIme: stones throw across the river

This is going to sound like some hardo manosphere clickbait used to spike engagement and propel the viewership but needs to be said:

sitting down & staying home/indoors is death to momentum.

Refute this all you want.

Send me hate mail about how productive you are when you lock yourself inside and sit at your desks for 8 hours. Write this in email over and over again, scream it in my face, anything you feel you need to do. Nothing will change my mind on this.

This could go many ways, and be explained in 10 different perspectives but 1. man is not made to be surrounded by four walls and a roof at all times. Obviously we need shelter, and this protective building set up has helped keep us safe. But it’s abused in 21st century. I believe it circles back on our [weaker] desire to feel protected, maybe this is side effect from breast-feeding too long. It seems like today people would 10 times out of 10 rather be safe, at home, chilling on the couch with a nice TV show on instead of just walking out the door and seeing what happens IRL.

A Bronx Tale

Call it relaxing, kicking your feet up etc. its all the same. I understand if you’ve been at work on construction site for 9 hours and want nothing more than to chill at home with your family for dinner. This is not targeted to you.

This is targeted to the large % of my generation that’s becoming obsessed with staying home day in and day out. 

I have good friend, real good friend, guy I go way back with. Used to be the life of the party in a sort of ‘unhinged’ holy shit what’s he going to do next way… Was great energy. Now he’s absorbed in tech (gaming/crypto/nft) and drugs (mary J - which i have a bone to pick with) but you can’t get him to leave his house. And this is just an example of many cases I’m sure you can imagine as well.

Nobody leaves their crib voluntarily to sit outside the coffee shop and drink espresso while whistling at women anymore.

Nobody leaves their crib voluntarily to post up at the local pool hall with Randy the felon and Ed the lifetime bartender anymore.

Am I saying this is what every man needs to be doing? Drinking coffee playing pool talking to chix? well i guess kind of.

But mostly the point is nobody is Chasing Excitement anymore. Or trying to uncover some hidden gem of Life hidden in your 24hrs.

Instead most are opting for a beta version of the meta verse where you’re face deep in social media while cheeto crumbs are littered over exposed bodies expanding to near 35% bodyfat.

Anything/most things I write are lessons to myself. Just public reminders to me of the shit in our World that fills me with some emotion. Today that emotion is disgust. I’m disgusted that such a large % of people are passive with their One Life. I’m disgusted that at times I fall victim to exactly what I wrote about above. 

Theres old book The Boron Letters, by a man named Gary Halbert. Halbert is one of the greatest copywriters of all time supposedly. He wrote these letters to his son while in prison. They’re a mix of life + business.

The reason I bring this up is because one of Halberts top life lessons is:


I live uptown
I live downtown
I live all around

I had money, yeah, and I had none
I had money, yeah, and I had none
But I never been so broke that I couldn't leave town

First thing in the morning, go far a walk. Open your door, patrol the streets. For atleast 45minutes just be outdoors walking. No phone or music (self explanatory)

I try to follow this and usually it does help. Obviously life won’t be cured by this one simple trick, but making a point to leave your house and actually experience the WORLD outside of your four walls is powerful.

Get outside more! Lounge less!

Wouldn’t it be a shame to die while laying on couch in dingy wifebeater boxers and socks with hole in them? Yes!

respond below: what makes you most alive?

i’ll start - holding court in center of handsome and beautiful group whose opinions I don’t hold in as high a regard as their reactions.



Souled Idea

The Slick Anglo 


Jan21 2022


Jan19 2022