Novel Excerpt One: Love’s Alive

One excerpt a week until October release of the novel.

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Page 88.

The sun pulls forward slow and confident in a cool stride, direct result of knowing it’s being worshiped, revolved around.

I watch it climb until I see the whole sphere. At this point it’s like the New Years ball drop, a fresh start. Early morning cleanse is complete and night darkness lustrated, forgotten, but there’s still something under my skin that’s moving back and forth, trying to escape! Trying to poke its way through the flesh like reversed acupuncture and I spend moments exploring what could be so desperate to free itself from inside of me:

The World wants to kill love!

At every opportunity attacking ruthlessly, without hesitation, trained assassin only able to get off on death of goodness. The human immune system to a parasite it wants gone from the body forever. The world swarms love with reality. Temptation is a cool drink on a Summer's day screaming to be tasted and enjoyed. Drowns love in doubt. Squeezes love with hopelessness. Extramarital affairs and vicious tongues. Offensive attacks reigning down unprovoked in this war. Alcatraz hearts, untrustworthiness. Defensive habits unshakeable by the conscious mind.

A bound and blackened soul guards against coming together as one.

This is the wish of evil. Forcing a lie, spurring a myth that all romance, longing for a life shared is in vain. The death of hope is pillar of the milquetoast. “I’ve nothing to fight for thus I roll over and die.” There’s no family or children to call my own so fighting for liberty is pointless. I’ve nothing to stand for. I see too late. I melt into apathy.

Those starved of true emotional connection wallow in life directing despair. They’ll ask, what’s the point in trying if it always ends up leaving me worse than before? Why eat the fruit if every bite turns sour?

Destroy the one piece of life that inspires hope, beauty, sacrifice. Strangle it from existence. Let us rot in our aloneness. The culture of individuality wins a gold medal in this age.

Thoughts of this nature are poison to our well! Lies screamed by the suffering. Repeated by the follyfilled.

My belief at first go around? Just this! I wished to get stuck in the mud of pragmatism! I begged the witch to hex me, make me deathly allergic to commitment, trust, vulnerability and O! if I get too close.. lose the theriac.. let my throat swell! Let my eyes bulge!


Look at you kids, you know you're the coolest
The world is yours and you can't refuse it
Seen so much, you could get the blues
But that don't mean that you should abuse it






Love dangerously. Depth filled. Mean it when you say it. Don’t fake it, force it, don’t fAlL iN lOvE with a whore because you need sex. Build thyself. Be selfish with your love until…. you know… until when you feel uhh… only you’lll know really…

Become a protector, a provider, a lighthouse in this storm of a world.

Dont subscribe to nihilistic philosophy of “it’s all pointless,” don’t not have kids because climate change.

“Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God”

Head High, Hearts Higher.




I Know A Place Where The Devil Can’t Reach Us


Cashin’ Checks and Snappin’ Necks