13 Days - Voice of Wildness
There is beauty in listening. There is exhalation in being heard by the ears of those with attentiveness and care!
Yellow moon, yellow moon,
why you keep peeping in my window?
Do you know something I don't know?
Did you see my baby
walking down the railroad tracks?
Sol Brah & I have hour long conversation about:
- The release of my new novel, Celebrating The Funeral
- Moving from Worker to A Creative
- Writing as an Extension of the Soul
- Stimulants: Performance Enhancer or Crutch?
- The Role of the Artist
- Breaking Free of Weed
and you can listen here!
Pacing today! Back and forth, through the living room into the kitchen into the room with my punching bag back into the living room, wait a second and hit a cigarette, pace more through the kitchen, back in to my room. Repeat. Again. Repeat. Again.
And this path, if it were on green forest floor would have turned out to be enough steps to turn into dirt trail through jungle!
Now, when you imagine this scene you can really see how the descent into madness is inevitable! Yes! It is right there in our characters near future, his destiny has ‘mental break’ scribbled on the wall in crayon. And because of this I’m glad no one witnessed the scene!
But these steps were the result of conversation I was having with three people who, and this is subjective, all have ideas/beliefs/original thoughts that are enough to invoke spirit of movement!
There’s a scene in Kerouac’s On The Road that goes something like this (all of this if off the mental so if a detail is wrong I ask you to write it on a piece of paper, attach it to a bomb, send it to my home, and let the correction you send be the last thing I experience)
The narrator, Sal, is sitting in a room with two friends Dean and Carlo. Dean is an Experiencer. He’s the type to not think to much, he grabs life by the horns and rides. He’s really the main charcter of On The Road. Carlo is a poet writer who is slowly losing his mind. The room is similar to a medieval castle, stone walls, low lit, underground and I think they’re in Denver or New York.
Now, yes, this is to paint the scene for you. But the real meat is what they’re doing. Sal, introvert observer, writer, is sitting in the corner watching Dean and Carlo sit on the floor. They’re facing each other with full intent. They’re looking in each other’s eyes saying things like:
“I promise I’m telling the full truth, a pure thought from the soul, this is real!”
“There’s something I believe you’re hiding! You seem afraid to explore this aspect of your current belief”
“If, dear friend you say I’m not being truthful, let me dive deeper: I’ll rephrase even! What I believe on this matter is…”
This happens from 2am until 8am and is not a product of the imaginative mind of a writer. On The Road is technically auto biographical. This scene happened.
For hours, every night, for weeks these men would meet and get fed off each others thoughts. Their ideas would light fires that lasted all night.
This is conversational cocaine. And looking back at today, while pacing around, while listening, nodding head with fervor, up and down with enthusiasm “yes yes yes I hear you and I think X about Y,” I caught myself so inspired and on fire that my body couldn’t sit still. This was all subconcious.
Do you have anyone like that in your life?
Do you have friends that inspire action in your days?
I believe this is a gift. Many artist of old would surround themselves with people that got energized like this. Picasso did it al El Quatro Gato, Kerouac, Ginsburg, Burroughs would do it at CityLights in San Fran and in New York.
The wilder things gets the more important it is to find people that act as a match to your fuel. Vice versa.
You need to be bouncing ideas. Acting fast. Living through momentum. Exploring the edges of your own beliefs. Letting the Spirit of Instinct guide you.
You need to be reading my new novel pictured below!
Scroll below that, there is form for you!
Get your copy of the new book HERE
What did you enjoy from podcast? What is a wild belief you want to share?