14 Days - Twin Peak Aesthetic

In a small USA town the hunt is on for a local man living in the woods eating only Honey, raw meat and berries. He looks extremely fit. We’re searching for him to ask his Secrets.

As you know I left the coast and drove for hours into the mountains to finalize some things regarding Celebrating the Funeral (which I’d like to thank you for your help regarding the text color on the back of the book. Black font was an overwhelming favorite.)

excuse the blur. im suing squarespace.

There’s something about being in a small town that amplifies everyting about a person. His outlook becomes broadcasted, her actions are focused on, talked about, explored at the local diner.

Places like this operate on their own perception of Time. I was born, raised, molded in a place like this - until being thrust in yuppie public ivy college - which gives what you may call a ‘worldly’ experience of ‘different perspectives’.

It was always strange hanging out at with my friend in college who’s family owned a percentage of the Brooklyn Nets then going home for holidays where “y’all” is the most common word used on a day to day basis.


The whiplash. White collar to blue collar. Social urbanites to moonshining rednecks. Wall St to The Good Old Boys. It taught me nothing is stagnant and with a little exploration you may, if lucky, find yourself surrounded by a town full of aliens.

And so I always catch myself driving late at night a few hundred miles to a hidden lake on the East Coast because it’s the only place I can disappear.

Twin Peaks, and in general, David Lynch, has become a recent obsession.

I believe it’s the use of surrealism.

Long drawn out scenes that make viewer question if he’s hallucinating. Just watch youtube video at the top. It’s good example of what I mean. This is a common tool I use in celebrating the funeral but I didn’t understand, while writing, how closely related to surrealism it actually is.

Lynch’s cinematography, Souled Idea’s words both dance across that thin line separating Sanity and Insansity.

He also uses a cast of attractive humans. This is an action of Revolution in todays society.

So as a sort of mmmm… thank you (?) or just a heart felt way to say, “I appreciate your Art and how you see Life” I took some spooky images from said small town that I hope you enjoy.

I call it - just now, am coming up with this right now, it wasn’t pre meditated - An Ode To Twin Peaks.

Maybe I’ll change it. Didn’t feel too good to type… But enjoy and please subscribe to substack if you have ever laughed or cried reading these. GODSPEED.

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13 Days - Voice of Wildness


16 Days - Barking to clear the mind