FEB18 2022

Theme: Prison correspondance, Forget them, romanticize YOU


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lord knows that I've sinned
But I thought about my future in the loops I could pin
Walked out on a gig and I turned to the streets
Kept my name low key I ain't heard from in weeks
I came up wit a strategy to come up mathematically
I did it for the city but now everybody mad at me

Apparently Monday was Valentine’s Day? 

I thought Valentines Day was Feb 2nd.

Apparently Feb 2nd is groundhog day?

Life catches you slipping sometimes!

I got a letter in the mail from one of my best friends serving a sentence in federal prison. Light narcotics dealing. Judge by your own moral compass! This is Man who I’d vouch for above 99.9% others, regardless this rap.

Two things stuck from his letter I want to share: summarizing:

“When i first got here, the first couple weeks, it was tough because I was wonder what everyone was up to? what were people from school that we graduated with, old friends, etc. doing. That feeling past. I soon realized I don’t care what anyone else is doing. Beside you, W, X, Y, Z I can rightfully assume they’re 9-5ing, partying/traveling on the weekend to look happy….”

He went in on them honestly. Maybe prison does this to you? Causes you to lose some social graces. Gets you real blunt, factual, raw and honest. 

But what he eluded to is true. With social media and constantly ‘seeing’ people from your past, you get tricked in thinking you care. You really don’t, and if you say you do do but aren’t reaching out/talking to them personally, you really don’t. True interest is in effort also. You’ll always put effort in things you care about. This is good way to judge your heart posture on things!

2nd thing he mentioned was how prison wasn’t ‘that bad’ and the solitude he had to ‘read, work on fizzeek, hear crazy stories from other inmate.’ He’s in for a drug rap that would make ur mom squeal but he must’ve gotten minimum security or something, to be talking this relaxed. This is a smart Man. Quantum finance major, allocated all drug dealing revenue into crypto where he’s sitting on a bag, dates a beautiful girl, lives at the cost near me, etc.

If you met him in a bar you’d never imagine he served time. 

But that’s just back story from you;

His second point resonate because back in the Fall I met up with him for some concerts on the coast. At this point I’d been contacted by the DEA, Our friends had, and he basically knew he was serving up to a year. 

All that popped off winter 2020/spring 2021, so Fall 2021 we both had a realistic understanding that he’d serve.

Around 5am, the night of a Glass Animals concert, we found ourselves midway through a pack of organic Spirits. Which, by the way are the worst American spirits ever created (behind green). They’re baby powder soft. We were ripping the filters off just to feel something. 

But in these hours of the nights, % of the bottle and pack, you get real. So we talked about his upcoming date

“Honestly, I’m positive about it. I’ve known it’s coming. I’m prepared to go in, serve the time, have some alone time to think/read/workout”

In a way, i was stunned because that’s a surprisingly positive attitude to have about prison. But, that’s just how this guy is, and how we should all aspire to be.

Everything in life is Mindset. You can be doing something GREAT, FUN, but have a bad attitude and it’ll ruin the experience. The best part is the vice versa exist. Can be doing something miserable, boring, but have a good attitude and things will just *lighten* up.

And he was walking confidently in this manner. I know him well enough to know if he was faking. Just telling himself he was ready for it to ignore the harsh reality. This wasn’t the case.

He genuinely had a postive outlook. And like we’ve established, who lies in a 1-1 with a brother at 5am overlooking the beautiful Atlantic Ocean? Not us

Take from this;

Worrying what other people are up to is a fruitless activity. Delete socials if you need to (i did back in the Fall and haven’t thought about anyone on there) Stop pretending you care. Focus on you, build something, call and reach out to those you get inspired to hear from. Make REAL effort. Meet with long lost brother. Fuck a insta dm.

And second; above all else, protect your mindset. THAT’S THE TRUE KEY. How you feel/think/view the world and your activities is how they’ll appear in your perspective. Be delusional with this.

I had a tweet bang the other week about ‘you need to romanticize your life. thinking everything you do matter. you’re creating stories for you biography” etc etc. but I believe this! Romanticize EVERYTHING you do. Realize it’s part of the journey, one day you’re going to look back at LAUGH LIKE A MANIAC at the lame shit you had to do to make you dreams come true.

Believe this!









Feb 27


FEB13 2022