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Big dreams, gangsta
Said you had to leave to start your life over
I was like, no please, stay here
We don't need no money, we can make it all work

But he headed out on Sunday, said he'd come home Monday
I stayed up waitin', anticipatin' and pacin'
But he was chasin' (uh oh) paper (uh oh)
Caught up in the game, that was the last I heard

The stashed napkins in my back pocket fluffed up my backside. I feel like an onlyfans whore. Tricking others into believing her ass is a bit bigger than is true.… chasing another $2 subscriber. Her and I are much alike in this I suppose. I write for pennies from strangers, exposing bare naked thoughts to the public. She takes lude pictures for pennies for strangers, exposing bare naked body to the public. The difference is one of us keeps our soul intact (her).

These napkins are the result of a couple day process in determining the direction of influence I hope to create.

This is large task for young 20 something year old Man. One day you’re catering to professors with your words, the next you have a couple dozen, hundred, thousand, ten thousand people reading. I take this seriously! 

And even more serious since I must live, uphold and use this advice too. I incubated on this simple question - What’s an ideology I’d be proud to promote, passionately owning to it regardless the attacks for enemies. 

And during one dizzying night out, after incubating, I have dozen of napkins with loose directions scribbled on to them…

““underground revival…

 silent minority; group of women outnumbered in the clogs on the Machine”

“cultural revivalists. art, expression of beauty. doom is E N E M y.”

“combat enthusiast”

“social dictators, the scene is yours. reality loyalists fuck meta”

Here we will decipher and put them down. As guide for you, me, Us to follow and uphold. 

The underground revival/ The silent majority.

This takes precedence because it’s one I’m most surprised to experience in public. The news and media will make you think NOBODY thinks the way you do. You’ll be seemingly outnumbered in zog settings. Find yourself in a corporate workplace and you’ll see how outnumbered you are by coworker. The vax was a good way for this to be brought to the foreground, but it’s been the case for a while. Do you really think you can freely say “immigrants are bad for the United States” in a modern US university? Not without repercussion for creating an ‘unsafe space.’ 

Which is why this is #1. We must realize many people feel and think the way we do. Only their voices are unheard because of the intense social virtue signaling culture we find ourselves in. See Joe Rogan for this. Take away: You don’t need social reassurance in your beliefs. Regardless how fringe they are. You don’t need people, family, friends, co workers, classmates to agree with you. You need to be confident in your beliefs. Able to defend and articulate WHY you believe this way. There is underground minority thinking the same way you do. Find them (you just found one)

  • Cultural Revivalist

Culture’s the part of our world founded on customs, beauty, art. Right now the culture for our time period is being greedily grabbed by ugly (not subjective) modernistic excuses for creation. The inside of an Apple store shouldn’t be as much a cornerstone in society as it is but you’ll see living rooms, office buildings, classrooms taking this approach. Sharp edges, Empty, “minimalistic.’ Like the operating room in some underground elitist bunker, completed with all but soundproof walls. The best judge of this is go to any American city or public university. Look at the newest buildings or art sculptures. As of writing this there’s a gold cube on display in central park(?) New York City. Nothing more than a solid gold block. Likely a laugh in the face from high society aimed at the homeless that call those park benches home. I don’t know. But here the goal is to make art and creations that take effort, evoke beauty in the viewer. If we turn our landscape to personality-less square blocks our minds will be the same. 

  • Reality loyalist

The metaverse is for men and women giving up on reality. I’d imagine most of these people aren’t respected in face to face, day to day real world happenings. The meta gives a place for escape. How often does a 380lb man with side boobs protruding off the outskirts of his ribs accurately show this in his online character? This lack of cohesion shows Meta is an escape for what you see looking in the mirror. Online, with some coin and imagination, you can buy the looks, characteristics you really desire. We shun this. Passionately! The more we sink into online obscurity, the more we loose real world influence. It’s ironic because you’re reading this on a laptop or cell phone instead of a newspaper or magazine help in your hand. We’re working on this! Online is a great way to spread ideas, creates sparks, but it’s nothing more than a medium. To want to live there is a habit for the Losers. To bring in NFTs - I believe in giving power to creators. Websites like patreon, sub stack, discord, medium, etc. that help artist get paid for art are a Godsent. But NFTs spiral down to hopeless gambling with the disguise of creation. Why are you, as a photographer not trying to sell your work to people who will hang in on the wall in their home, not in their ‘meta verse NFT art museum?’ It’s gambling without the fun of having any say in the stakes. Atleast with poker you can raise or fold. With NFT (on the buy side) you buy and hope the floor prices raises to you can what? Cash out? “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” Never forget to apply this to whatever is peaking your interest at the moment. The meta, NFT, digital currencies are all interesting nonetheless. It’s okay to be a part and hop on for the ride. But this shouldn’t be the priority. Your efforts should go into creating a real world for yourself. Not getting absorbed in a digital landscape that’ll be completely erased in a world wide power outage. 1 NFT or 10,000 acres of wide open space? I fear the choice most my age would make!

  • Combat Enthusiast

Hands, weapons, and a willingness almost eagerness to train for self defense. Boxing, Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, Muay Thai, MMA, some shit you made up in your backyard, etc. Once you leave the house are you prepared to defend yourself, your friends, your family against aggressors or strangers bored enough to start fights? Won’t happen all at once. This is the point. Pick something and train, train, train until before you know it you’ve been at it for 2 years and feel confident in your ability. On top of this; weapons training. Marksmanship, learning how to take apart guns, gun safety. Feeling comfortable enough around firearms that you can reload, clean, adjust your weapon to your liking. Again, don’t expect to master this at once. Just start learning. Get an old .38 and shoot at cans in your field. Maybe take a couple classes, ask around the older demographic, they’ll help. Start now.

  • Religious Devotees

There is humiliatingly hilarious reddit screenshot on our side of social media now along the lines of this: r/atheist  “I love being able to jack off all day without the feeling of guilt. Since i’m not judged by your god, or even believe in him, i can do this all day and feel guilt free. It’s relaxing and peaceful knowing some god isn’t judging me.” This is the ideological antichrist to our pillar here. This should be shunned, laugh at, condemned. Living without a higher standard, not only moral but everything. Believe in something. God, the Gods, Yahweh, Brahman. Which ever you feel called to be it culturally or personally. You need to live as if you believe in Him, truly. Each action on Earth is judged by a higher power looking specifically down on you. I believe this! It keeps you in check, how can one spread evil while believing there’s an omnipotent Just God above, watching? This is a crucial pillar as it’ll bring a deeper level to your entire life. How can one go through all their days smoking weed, wasting away on the couch, plumping up to abnormal size, contributing nothing to society, the world, if they truly believe there’s an Afterlife? Heaven is a hierarchy. You’re judged on your merits here. All actions have spiritual repercussions. Act accordingly!

  • Youthful Optimism

Doom, ‘the good days are over,’ permanent blackpills. See these, but don’t absorb them to the point of losing hope. That’s the gift of young age. We have a spark, a light that while maybe not grounded in reality, feels as if its sheer energy is enough to incite change. I believe this! I’ve met men of 50+ years old with a light in their eye that many of my comrades in their 20s have seemingly lost. This optimism, and deep rooted belief in your ability to change the world, isn’t a slave to your age. Many young men are walking dead! Many old men are walking hope, youthful Souls! The most noticeable characteristic of youthfulness is ENERGY. We need to be using it all right now. Exhausting our bodies daily while building something. Fizeeks, physical prowess is something a lot of young men spend time on. This is Good! Nietzsche and Mishima-esque, the journey is the sweet spot. Only through sculpting our bodies, putting effort in through intentional pain (weights on machine, hours creating, days lobbying for a local politician you BELIEVE in etc.) only through these things do we unlock deeper truths about ourself. No lightbulbs of great ideas were sparked sitting on the couch. Our youth needs to be used passionately, almost manically, viewing yourself as a lightning bolt with potential to strike anywhere, anytime, any how. So use this vigor for effort and output; your body, your creations, your local world, lifting up family. Many men of my age, many frens doing great things that aren’t ‘linear.’ They’re building, hours a day creating businesses, books, apps. We’re all capable of this. Folly and complacency is your only enemy!

  • Social Dictators;

Your town, city, metropolitan jungle will have a social scene. Even in my hometown of 2.2k there are 3 bars that dictate almost everything about the nightlife. Hell this is even applicable if you life on the Blue side of the mountains in a place with no stoplights, one general store and nothing but a family dollar. There’s always a social scene, and at our age we need to be wedged deeply into it. I personally have a part time bartending gig at one the ‘hip’ joints in my new city because it’s the best way to spread social influence. People see your face, recognize it, hook you up at other bars or clubs. There’s a social ecosystem happening in any given city. Being a part of it always pays dividends. Even if you don’t work at one of these places, be a regular. Pick some spots, grease the doormen, introduce yourself to the managers. Not like a needy twinked up punk, but just honestly explain that you and your crew of handsome studs and fly women like their bar. It’s great energy, you say! You bring all your new friends here, you say! It’ll go far. Now aside from being in-the-know in relation to physical establishments. It’s important for you to be the Moves Man. Everybody getting wild spirit of energy one random afternoon and looking for energy? What to they do? Who do they turn to for the plans? You. Every friend group or social family has one or two of these people. In my opinion they’re the lifeline of ‘fun’ because without them, the rest of the squad may fall apart, deteriorating into boredom and folly. There’s a true minority of people that can spark excitement. Become this. There’s no excuse not to. And don’t fall for the grind grind hustle 24/7 trope. You have enough energy at this point in your life to work like a savage beast during the day, and cut loose at least for some hours into the night. Momentum is key, and business growth + (physical) social growth will keep you excited for each day. Kubric put it best, well, the original 1659 scribbling of the phrase did, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Work like a dog, party like a dog cut loose from his chains. 

  • Convenience Deniers

I think of our food, the steps it took from beginning to end, for this one. Historically; food was planted, tended, harvested, cleaned, prepped, cooked, ate. But now we’re becoming increasingly dependent on quickness. Pure Pleasure. Immediate satisfaction. This isn’t always a negative. But efficiency is a myth. The more time we ‘free up’ the more responsibilities piled on to us. You imagine accountants in 1980 welcome computers and digital data with open arms, assuming it would say 100s of hours annually in terms of computing, balance sheets, adjustable. Maybe we imagine them secretly excited about all their new free time. It takes but one look at a modern accountant to see this free time got replaced with more duties, task piled on task. This theme is true across mediums. We’re becoming slaves to quickness. Even in skills. People will try something for 3 days, see no success, give it up. What happened to vertical learning? Deep understanding? Now you can get a full course meal, an online girl, and 1,000s of hours of TV by clicking 5 buttons on the tiny screen at your finger tips. Use this responsibly! Turn from it at all possible instances. Go in public, post on the corner one leg kicked back tooth pick loosely out of your mouth and talk to women. Delete tinder, hinge, bumble. Go to local farmers and get raw ingredients (at minimum go to a grocery store and get these) and cook your meals. Now you know what’s in it + you’re regaining some of the steps that create some weird metaphysical benefit potentially added by nothing more than increasing time, care, effort, and attention. Apply this to the macro. Real change won’t happen until we tough it out for months, years. The whole ride won’t be glamorous. Many stages, especially in the beginning, won’t be worth highlighting but they’ll create character, personality for you, me, us as people. Don’t get discouraged if things aren’t happening quick enough. Focus on the long term vision. All you need is direction and energy. Dear God, I ask nothing of you but to please gift me the energy and motivation to complete your will for me here on Earth, Amen. Then stand up, make it happen. 

  • Machine Influencers

The final sentences above transitions us to our last, and arguably most important pillar. BAP talked of this. There are people on our side, reading our content, that have the patience, discipline and will power to climb ladders of influential extremities of the machine while withstanding corruption. Admire them! Be them! I sometimes flirt with idea of joining local underground newspaper, adopting tone of voice of Enemy, infiltrating, and eventually flipping script ideologically. But being this close to the Danger Zone is hard for someone this impressionable. If you have the strength to tolerate years grinding in lowly political positions, or will power to tolerate being in new york advert high rise with oat milk drinkers, DO IT. Any bit of long term influence causes millions of ripples of benefit for us. 

These are my personal pillars. 

A Gospel I’ll spread until I feel in my spirit are wrong, fruitless, for moving forward.

You can join the patreon here. This is where I’ll be documenting my Real World influence, starting with the conception of a local paper for the YOUTH. And feel free to send contributions of messages you have on par with this ideology, or real life examples of you living these out. This is a start. 

Reach me on Twitter, Instagram, or by email (Links at the top)



Souled Idea

The Underground Preacher

The Beacon of Light Through The Valley of The Shadow Of DEATH.


FEB13 2022


Feb6 2022