Jan06 2022

Theme: who what why when were HOW

Words: 571

Read Time: reread one of these the other day, 3min max

Oh, sinnerman, where you gonna run to? Sinnerman where you gonna run to?

Where you gonna run to? All on that day

Dear Lord,

I ask not for riches, power, fame, the undying adulation of the fairer sex. Instead I ask only that you give me the energy and enthusiasm to complete your Will here on Earth. Strike me with the motivation and confidence to complete the Divine plan you have for life you gifted me.

I’m in a nice restaurant, one that’s most definitely out of my day to day price range. I’m sitting alone. At the bar. A glass of whiskey to my left. Top shelf stuff? I doubt. I told sleepy eyed bartender not to overdo it. Luckily my taste buds are more bohemian than aristocratic right now, & haven’t  yet ascended. So I can’t taste the difference in affordable vs. world class drinks. 

Wine is another good example of this. Barefoot or 1800 Red from some foreign chateau? I won’t know. There’s a certain bliss to this ignorance that I invite in. 

I guess this will lead to todays topic. It’s a philosophy I’ve had for years but never put to paper:

It’s not the who - what - when - where - why - 

it’s the HOW. It’s always always the How.

It’s your attitude, your approach and mentality that matter. How you carry yourself regardless the destination.

If you carry yourself with a certain aura of confidence (and this takes many different forms) you’re better off than someone who just Checks off the boxes of the 5 W’s.

I remember a time in life with i could afford nothing more than to a quarter tank of gas and Wendys 4for4.

But this never slipped in to what I thought of myself. I never got discouraged thinking of what others could afford. 

& the craziest thing about these days? 

Way less comparison. Way more acting in freedom. Granted this was in the teenage years but it still reaffirms: It’s all in the How.

Interesting message. Thanks for reaching out Kyle, I completely agree to this. People are starting to see through the charade. It’s actually happening way quicker than I’d imagine. Something to pay attention to, watch your friends and family - see who’s started to vocalize that things aren’t what they seem.

Damn, the bartender just poured me another one unprovoked. He must sense sadness and melancholy today. The shitty weather is hard to ignore. He may pick up on this. An empath.

But to the HOW theroy; what I want you to take from this is don’t get caught up on the details.

Don’t overthink where you call Home.

Don’t overthink what you do for Money.

Don’t stress about the brand of your Clothes.

Don’t sweat the Who is talking about you.

Don’t change the habits you enjoy because of who might judge them.

Just have a plan, work towards it, and act proud in the meantime.

You will die, I will die, we all return to the ground one day. So walk in a freedom with your head held high. HOW you act is what matters.

ps. another piece empirical evidence to prove this ‘HOW’ theory:

I pick up girls in my car and they say “oh it smells like tobacco smoke in here, oh you smoke cigarettes?”

“yes” and didn’t flinch at their ‘initial judgements’

then before the night is over they’re smoking my cigarettes or (like the best women do) taking small hits of the ones I lit.

All this proved to me is people don’t know what they like, or what they’re okay with. But if you act with a sure-footedness, nobody can tell you a thing unless you let them.

Power to all my brothers and sisters out there.

Much love,


Souled Idea



Jan07 2022


Jan05 2022