Jan05 2022

Theme: revolution, art history, avant-garde

Words: 689

Read Time: 1 commercial break

I'm a criminal, I do this everyday
I take the low road
I roam the highways
Maybe we'll meet again
Maybe we'll die today
Maybe we'll live forever never throw this love away

This article inspired by two cups of coffee a cigarette no food and a post sunrise conversation with a thin blonde art history major with a potential substance abuse problem, creating a bouncing, energetic filled prose:

To be honest I despise History. 

The interesting stuff is tolerable, and I like exploring the history of people I respect [artist, politicians, business founders - such as what were Hendrix or Roosevelt up to when they were my age?] but studying the past happenings of some province in middle Europe never resonated with me.

This especially applies to Art and it’s history.

“Did you ever take an Art History class? You would’ve liked it?”

Doubt it. 

In classes like this professors take an Art Critic role and subjectively brush through periods of suitable influence only to stop a spend a month on something as pointless as arguing that Wassily Kandinsky didn’t found abstract art but that it was instead some Swedish Women a decade before [who cares?].

I know enough to know the Greeks viewed painting not as creativity but a following of guidelines/form and then that for nearly 500 years Art was still judged by the High Society with anything not receiving their approval getting scraped. 

(Thankful for the Impressionists in this regard who said fuck em, and began creating their own salon/galleries sometime in the late 19th century (?)) Correct me if wrong.

Anyways this is only context to my main point:

Are we on the cusp of the greatest cultural explosions in History?

I believe we are and here’s why: Change needs annoyance, a real personal feeling of being unfulfilled, to be sparked. You sometimes have to get so angry at your current life that you kick it into high gear, finding a deep rooted motivation to Change. 

This is happening throughout the World with covid. 

People are being oppressed on a global scale and this oppression (unlike those of the past) isn’t based on ethnicity/gender/sexuality but instead on being either pro or anti vax mandates.

Hell maybe this is turning into a manifesto. Maybe you’ll watch my slip into Radicalism. Maybe I die before then? Maybe the World ends tomorrow? 

But optimistically and REALISTICALLY I believe we’re slowly becoming disgusted enough to incite real change.

This is why I didn’t opt for a religious and medical exemption on the mandates. I want to feel the injustice to my bones. To be turned away from social events, concerts, restaurants because I chose Freedom. Not let in because I rolled over and accepted submission.

I’ve lost friends. 

I’ve lost the trust from Family.

I’ve lost the ‘perceived intelligence’ I’d build over years because I ‘don’t trust the science’ and am a conspiracy theorist.

It’s all wild. But I sleep peaceful at night knowing God got me.

This is what I hope for you. I hope you feel so angry, so crucified, so let down by Society that you’re sparked to create Change.

So imagine, believe we’re on the edge of the cliff overlooking an intense change in Culture. 

We are the Avant-Garde.  

We are about to cause ripples throughout the World that will be felt centuries from now.

You feel this right?

You feel the old guard is ending. The normalcy we once knew is ending re. being killed. But this doesn’t mean the mainstream (AGENDA) approach to the future has to be accepted.

I vow not to succumb. I Live to Fight with both Fist and Pen so that my children can run and play, live without restrictions disguised as Safety.

How does this look? I still don’t know, maybe I’m not the one God chose to be the Leader of this Movement, maybe just a poetic hype man. 

But without dialogue we can’t figure out where we want the World to hear or how we’re going to get there.

We have to start somewhere.

Are you working on you in some way? Spending time building a business, growing an audience, or just making sure you’re Healthy enough for the next play?

let me know!


Souled Idea

Underground Preacher

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