Jan04 2022

Theme: group of like minded Men taking over a physical location.

Word Count: 820

Read Time: 6 minutes 29 seconds

Men sitting in a room filled with the smoke from burning tobacco and steam from hot coffees. A cultural hub for stimulating conversation, a place where it’s not your idea that’s respected but your contribution, wit, originality. Your ability to influence and spark change, not what you change the World to. Not a place for stiffs or traditionalists, we laugh at the Suits. But instead a group of charismatic rogues. Look into the Catalan Els Quatre Gats (The Four Cats) for a good example of this. 

Brother Alex hits on this togetherness in an email answering yesterdays question “What does our generation stand for”

Our side of social media (especially twitter) tries to reenact this, and succeeds to some extent but it’s missing the magic piece:

Being in person. Face to faces. In the World.

Now we’ve created an ideological echo chambers of regurgitated thoughts that get bombarded on us daily because we’re aware these beliefs are ‘accepted’ enough. We’re removing the quick, verbal freedom of tossing out something obscure and wild, potentially game changing over an espresso. Now it seems to have a Voice in your online community you have to adhere to the standards created by that community.

This isn’t a surprise - we’re entering a World split not by geography and physical closeness but instead by doctrine and beliefs.

I wouldn’t even really call this a negative. True it’ll mean you need more confidence to find your own beliefs, and more courage in publicizing those ideas - but only because the spread/audience reach is so quick and permanent [screenshots/receipts].

As a Man hell bent on contradicting himself just to invite in Growth/Perspective - online adds an interesting dimension where the slip of some phrases can contort your meaning in a reputation-ending way. 

This is why I believe you need a real community. A group of guys you consider intellectually capable, original, and maybe a little unhinged. 

The Italians, French and Spanish of the past made this a big cultural habit and they were right.

&& In hopes of sparking this change Online, I’m creating these writings in sporadic, idea hinting formats. You probably won’t learn lesson, or find a piece of information here you can use during a job interview. But it will open you to the current thoughts from someone Living through a wild cultural change as we interact. And it will promote dialogue from like minds across the World.

For example look at this message I got from fren in Sweden yesterday, Rasmus, The Hood Viking, The Swiss Scoundrel Of Liberation;

Rasmus is a man of Spirit. A human who feels the stifling of freedom deep to the core like a Tiger locked in a zoo. Maybe we haven’t yet found the words to describe this, but the feeling is understood even through the absence of language.

You and I, Us, We are all part of the greatest social evolution in History. With covid, the division, how the World is responding, Lock Downs, and the list goes on - but we’re in the middle of it. We need to be documenting, talking, inspiring fellow neighbor to share their thoughts, to not hide in the (for now) safety of their homes.

Not a revolution, or rebellion. Just groups of Men, and groups of Women, getting into the real world, having a dialogue, and changing our trajectory. 

This is why digital nomadism is a cowardly life path. Make money online. Have location Freedom. I believe this. 

Honestly if you’re a Man of Soul I’m sure you’ve felt this. How unfulfilling staring at a computer is, even if it is making you money.

But Atleast the Workforce gave you some sort of -finger-on-the-pulse. 

We’d have a lot more sway if we owned influential businesses, farms, hell imagine if we owned a University. 

Point is we all need Offline sway. We need to use our charisma to actually do something, not only talk about it.

I’m guilty of this too at times. The best, subtle thing, I can think of now is to figure out who is with us and reassure them they aren’t alone, without getting radical but still having truthful conversation. You must remember there’s only a tiny % of gen pop that gets news and current event updates the way we do. Most still watch CNN, FOX, MSNBC and other mainstream sources for information that distort truth for their own agenda and views. 

So find like minds, brothers you grew up with, studs you sense have a passion to not roll over and except a loss of freedom.

Then find a local spot; hole in the wall cafe, moldy pub, underground library, leaking gym. Post up. Become regulars. Your face needs to be recognized here.

You can spare $15 a day for some drinks, smokes and potentially life changing conversation right, anon? I hope! 

(Don’t forget to tip the owner heavy. Bonus points if he supports your ideas and doesn’t mind have your Team hang there.)

What’s a characteristic you hope your son has when he’s 20?



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Jan05 2022


Jan03 2022