Jan03 2022

Theme: generational pride, cov19d Zombies, give Us the Keys

Words: 1,175

Read Time: Don’t attempt if you’re addicted to tiktok. More meaty.

The image below and the one used for this articles thumbnail is here. An article submitted by Ukrainian Schoolgirls that dream of living through 1980s American Hollywood despite growing up in poverty ridden post Soviet World. The photograph’s have the type of feeling that can only be achieved when a despondent-ruled life clashes with glimmers of hope for a better tomorrow. Edward Hopper’s painting also show this mix well.

“Unconsciously, we were living under the American soft power.”

It’s possible to lose ourselves if we start becoming too agreeable. 

There’s an art in agreeing with someone to protect your Time and Energy. In a situation like this, you’re basically deciding the hassle isn’t worth it. I do this sometimes when the person starts getting real worked up and i want to go somewhere else. It’s like their blood pressure starts to boil, internal heat cranking up, you see this sometimes probably. Some even start to sweat. Like for them the mere thought of your perspective on the topic is a mental work out for them. This is a real phenomena too.

Some studies says you can lose the same amount of calories from a chess game as a mile run. 

Is it simply ‘exertion’ that causes this? 

If mental and physical work outs burn fat, would an intense emotional situation? Have you ever witness hyper emotional female who you know not to be anorexic but she does get worked up easily? The hyper sensitive type that can feel a feathers weight change in the emotional environment? And this girl is extremely skinny?

This is why I believe women with thin Arms make good wife material. It’s a sign of their depthful(new word, try to use it in conversation tomorrow) emotional competence and Health. You want a skinny arm women because she’ll be so in touch with her intuition and emotional World that she’ll inherently -care- about herself and those around her. This makes it hard to become a fan of hook up culture as every sharing of the body would have deep impact on her. 

Don’t take this a 100% truth. Skinny women can be heauxs too. Only a theory.

However I do believe moments of intense mental, physical and emotional energy cause the body to burn fat off itself. Don’t trust fat artists, they aren’t emotional enough.

But you’re a Man, Women, Human of immovable beliefs, yes? 

You have ‘things’ that you stand for?

Maybe they’re idiotic to the World but hold a special place in your Heart.

This topic, action, habit is something you uphold not because of morality but because you can’t live with yourself if you let it slide, or if you partake. One thing I have like this which I will stand my ground for always is the sanctity and love of My Generation. 

When old timers start taking shots at the Youth of today, or the prebuscents who’ve just gotten their licenses take shots at those of us 1.5 standard deviations greater in maturity and years. 

Generations are arbitrary to me. But ‘Social’ ‘Science’ has a leading belief on generations, their cycles and purposes.

To synthesize:

Strauss and Howe wrote a couple books in the 90’s called Generations and The Fourth Turning. They explain the 4 periods/archetypes as

Prophet - Nomad - Hero - Artist

Then what happens is each generation (gen X, Gen Z, etc) moves through the age brackets of:

Childhood: 0-20 years old

Young Adulthood: 21-41

Midlife: 42-62

Elderhood: 63-83

Late Elderhood: 84+

Do you see?

For example maybe the Gen Z is the Nomad generation, but they still have to go through age brackets. It’s not until your generations archetype gets to MIDLIFE does it have the real influence over the world. Obvious enough because this is the prime age demographic of influential law makers, politicians, employers, bosses, adults that have the most experience couple.

Honestly i’m not explaining anymore of this. Here’s a good article, it’s get broken down well and there are a couple more layers such a cultural happenings that spark the change of generation. Strauss and Howe do a good job of proving their model.


My Generation and probably most of yours too (1982 - 2004) is the Hero archetype. In theory we’ll follow a CRISIS (maybe this is Covid? Maybe this is the strangling of our Freedom?)

Momentary break for the community:

Thanks Dan and Tim for reaching out. Needing praise may seem a cruel trap but it’s a fiery motivator as well. So thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, means the World! Have a blessed day Gs. I also follow Dan on instagram, great Man. Find his @ in my Following list.

[Somebody send hate mail. Real cruel shit. Make me doubt it all. Be so harsh it makes one question why a Merciful God would create someone so wicked.]

But what I preach isn’t sociological theory: 

it’s real, happening around you, prevalent in our day to days. It’s about Generational Pride and the lack of it.. About not taking shit from generations that have botched their chance at a cultural revival of types. Have let us be led into a time period where we’ve lost the abilty to see Smiles in public, or travel without unrealistic restrictions, or have created a world so on the brink of an anxious meltdown that I carry around .38 not to protect from stereotypical criminals but from a Regime and the mindless subservient zombie following its programing. The latter of which may be so brainwashed one day that they hope you dead for not getting an experimental shot (oh.. unless this is happening now, already. )

Many previous co workers, even professors say to me “you probably can’t even remember the Good years” or “I hate you missed out on how the World used to be” even hunter s thompson speaks of the Death of The American Century in ~2003.

At first this is depressing and creates an its-all-down-hill-form-here feeling. Then it brightens because we have to remember We’re training and preparing for our Age of greatest influence. 

We still have the passion of youth and most importantly the educational shortcoming.

What I mean by this:

The correlation between education and ‘original thought’ not only plateaus after a while but it begins to decrease. When you go to high school, then college, then grad school, your brain gets wired to thinking about your chosen discipline in a tightly confined way. You become vertically talented, able to replicated learned material but conversely it becomes almost impossible to bring something new to the field.

Most major breakthroughs in every field have been by someone who’s technically not an expert in that career. It’s a strange paradox to grasp but it makes sense when you think of human nature. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks as easily as a puppy.

We’re at that time period. We haven’t been here long enough to have all of our grand idealistic youthful plans for the World to be stomped out of us. And i don’t mean singing kumbaya arm in arm by the fire. Our future isn’t that gentle.

We’re going to have to fight and scrap for what we want. We have the vitality, the health, the time and the energy to spark a societal avant-garde. I preach no mass philosophy or approach. I don’t want to turn this into a manifesto landing me on a federal agents watch list. 

I only want you to realize, in your spirit and deep through your soul, that you need to be proud of your generation. Be excited that not only is the baton changing hands, but it will be you that snatches it from the SSRI’d eyed, depressive grasp of the middle aged adults that chose safety and perceived protection over freedom and liberty. 

*led zeppelin kicks in, you throw your cigarette butt on the ground before grabbing the keys to your 8 cylinder ’87 Audi Quattro*

What do you think 18-30 year olds stand for right now?

What do you even stand for?

God Bless,


Souled Idea

The Upside Down Houdini

A Man Who Refuses to Believe the Best Days Are Behind Us.


Jan04 2022


Jan02 2022