Jan02 2022

Theme: mondays aren’t evil, 1960s French dance music, bugman

Words: 607

Read Time: 2 country songs played backwards

POV the Lana Born To Die record is playing in the background while you howl at the Moon.

Yesterdays article got 3 times the reads of any other. Was it pic of Woman that enticed? I’ll talk of her again, all that matters now IS THESE BANDS.

There’s a specific breed of human, labeled by one of the Great minds of our generation as the bugman. 

The bugman has many traits and characteristics.

A personality built on actions stereotypically opposite of any my Readers could possible take part in: sipping soy, open mouthed exclamations of excitement for Impossible meat, whispering ‘end the patriarchy’ through 3 layers of mask at the most recent ‘protest’ for the ‘revolution.’ You can imagine the phenotype of such a person.

Bugmen, normies, NPCs, all are an interesting yet much needed subcategory of Citizen. They keep us in check. Almost by acting as the anti role model. Living to make all the wrong choices, following the ‘progressive’ trends, which does help those of better judgement be more reassured in their decisions. Much the way Night needs Day, Good needs Bad. You know the ole yin and yang.

One habit they have that’s insidious enough to need to touch on:
Living for the weekend. Being miserable at the thought of a Monday.

Sunday Scaries (noun) suhn-dAy scer-eez:

: the dread deriving from the thought of returning to Work, or School, or any other Obligation one isn’t excited for…..

The reason I, You, We should avoid this is because it rushes Time. 

When you live for the weekend, you essentially train your brain to squeeze all its dopamine to Fri afternoon - Sun morning. Creating a subtle but persistent inner voice wishing away Mon-Fri. 

Instead of living purely in the moment, enjoying each day like it’s your last and being grateful for the Gift of Breath you hope for the hours to fly so that happy hour will come a little quicker. 

I’ve been victim to this. I’d bet we all have especially if you’re in college or have a career-esque job. Listen to the way most people speak on Friday vs Monday morning. Watch how gen pop’s attitude slowly gets better each day until it explodes, burst Saturday night and starts the process all over again. 52 times a year for X years.

(Have you ever listened to 1960’s French pop music? Do that this week.)

This is why a trait that will make you a hard mfer to kill is love Mondays. Invite the energy of a Monday into your life.

It’s the day of the week the World starts back up. 

People are forced back into Society out of their homes. 

There’s Money to be made! Land to Explore!

There’s the cliche Broke - Woke - Bespoke meme format and this ^ is the Woke approach. 

To Bespoke your mentality on the week: Mentally, Emotionally and Physically treat all 7 days the same. You workout, cook good meals, go on dates, hangout with your social group, build your business, have get togethers etc throughout the week. You work or get school work done obviously, but you don’t force FUN or a GOOD TIME to wait until Friday night.

Quick interruption - The Jan 1st article inspired fren Donald to reach out. Thanks D, have a powerful week!

But I think when you ‘dread’ something even if it’s only a certain Day of the week, you give it incredible metaphysical power over you. 

(getting anxiety about something is the same thing - you’re giving that event/situation/presentation/responsibility way too much weight.)

But who am I? Not a guru, not a teacher.

What do I know? Only that I don’t let Mondays, Tuesdays or even Wednesdays kick my ass before they get here.

What if I spent all Sunday worrying about Monday but died Sunday night?

Wake up, thank God you’re alive and win that 24h hours &&&&& Please dear fren don’t let yourself become the lowly scum choosing to Live for an escape.

have a good week;


Souled Idea

The Ice Man

That Young American

Ask me for a 1960s French Song below.


Jan03 2022


Jan01 2022