Jan01 2022

Theme: Tradition, Celtic Women with Long Slender Legs

Words: 541

Read Time: 7minutes if your IQ is above 100

Brothers, Sisters, Fellow Swashbucklers - Happy First day of the year!

Is it a tradition in your home country to have a specific meal today?

In Southern USA we have a plate of food that consist of:

Collard greens, Country Ham/Hog-jaw(?), Black Eyed Peas, and something else that slips my mind (I skipped this year)

But each item brings respectively: Money, Health, Luck.

The more you eat, the more you receive throughout that year.

True? Factual? 

I wouldn’t bet on it. But it’s a good tradition to share with your family and friends. Cook a good meal, make it mean something.

An interesting tidbit built off this philosophy that I do believe in though: What you do the fist day or so of the year is symbolic to how your year will go.
So what am I doing right now?

Im at the dining table, a fat glass of Wild Turkey American Honey whiskey straight (leave the rocks for the pigeons) with a cute long legged brunette sitting to my left. Pic below.

She’s eating the grilled chicken caesar salad I cooked her.

‘Models’ and their salads. Not going to make it. Apparently her ‘main course’ and favorite ‘foods’ are leafy greens and then protein behind that. I don’t subscribe to this philosophy but for Women, maybe. They don’t need to be as muscular as us or as protein heavy. 

On to women.

A conversation I feel like the Men and young Men that follow me, read my words, are most interested in. I don’t talk about this often because I believe throughout my Soul that some things about the fairer sex can’t be learned. 

But women and creativity/building are the only two things I truly give a shit about outside of personal health and brotherhood.

So I’ll try to drop pieces of advice from personal experience.

I’m no Pick Up Artist (losers) or a guru on women (There are Men far better than me with the opposite sex.)

But I do have the gift of being able to extract lessons from personal failures and success. And I’m the oldest of sibling of 5, the 4 younger ones are all women ages 16-22. Thus I see the behind-the-scenes decision process of women and I can assure you it’s nothing like how Men operate.

Todays thought on the Women:

You will never attract the Woman you want if she’s your main focus. It’s as simple as that.

If a girl is you sole pursuit, most prioritized goal in life, she will elude you. The only way around this is to focus on something personal to you. Build something with your Heart and Soul (even if it’s only your Fizeek) forget the Woman even exist.

Focus on becoming great with your chosen endeavorer and the ladies will come naturally.

Sometimes this can sound cliche. Maybe because it is. “Focus on yourself, King” type shit. But it’s the truth. If you wake up and go throughout the day continuously thinking about a girl, you’ve already failed.

I’m sorry if today seems lackluster of all over the place. I’m already drunk from a wedding early and I’vejust chugged my last sip of whiskey plus this slender celtic featured woman just pulled a pre rolled joint from Denver out of her pocket for Us.

Wouldn’t it be a miserable start to the year to turn down this?

What is one thing you want from 2022 - answer below!

God Bless,


Souled Idea

Underground Preacher

Traphouse Poet

Back Alley Philosopher


Jan02 2022


Dec31 2021