Dec31 2021

Theme: New Years, Partying, Resolution

Words: 583

Read Time: 1/5 a cup of coffee

The last day of the year! 

The big hoorah!

The theoretical finish line to the last 4 digits of the date!


I like to imagine New Years Eve, the holiday/event as an outlandishly styled decadence. Champagne dripping over the bodies of enthusiastic Youth while they dance away the terrors of the year before. Or the more buoyant, optimistically celebrate the incoming year. Hopeful for what it may bring Them.

We’re still young enough to be idealistic, optimistic enough to believe the World can turn around. That maybe this next year, 2022 will be our generations year to spark a Renaissance equivalent to 1901 Paris or Post World War New York City. A time + A place that inspires not only creativity but a revolution of sorts through the Arts that create a change, impassioned by youth, energy, vitality and everything else that has a Spark of change in its eye. 

I’m romanticizing our new future.

Even dramatizing the actuality of tonight and the ball drop.

New Years Eve, like all modern celebrations have turned into a weird energy harvesting event where you begin the night bright, starry eyed, hoping it lives up the out-of-reach standard you’ve built in your head. Only for it to turn into a cess pool of degeneracy where you look around the joint to see lazy eyed, predatory incels and the modern day Women, who is so liberated past the point of enjoyment that she has the soft broken scowl of someone let down by the modern social philosophy, whose freedom was nothing more than immediate gratification designed as progressive/ radical/ patriarchy ending.

All standards and morals of life hide in the shadows at the social events of our time period but this is not a high and mighty, speak-down on the degeneracy. 

I enjoy, thrive, love the degeneracy when there’s a pure motivation behind it.

A deep spirited desire to tear town the ‘proper’ motives of the World and set fire to the cultural boundaries that stifle you. Much the way of the Bohemian. Setting ablaze the suffocating world of the truly aristocratic. When the mere act of ‘letting loose’ is a rebellion to those that preach control and acting properly, mannerly.

But this is far from what our Nights Out are about now.

There’s no underlying purpose except, almost, to Forget who you are. Get lost in the downward spiral of Humanity. 

Now people party just to be in close proximity to other people because we’re so starved for face to face communication and Honest Talk. 

What a seemingly pessimistic piece of shit article. 

I want you to party.

I want you to get Wild.

I want you to go Mad and lose yourself while we go into the New Year.

But I want you to remember that when you wake up January first the only thing that can create true change in your life is You. 

It’s not the Year that’s going to jumpstart your motivation (and if it is, it’ll die out by January 5th).

So I wish you a happy New Years and will tell you my only, conscious, resolution for 2022:

to explain myself less. let my action, or lack of action, speak for itself. nobody needs to know the ‘why’ behind my Yes or No.

What is yours?

God Bless,


Souled Idea

Underground Preacher

Traphouse Poet

Back Alley Philosopher


Jan01 2022


Dec30 2021