Dec30 2021

Theme: Efficiency, American Workforce, Evolution of Tech

Words: 576

Read Time: Quicker than cooking 4 Eggs with Cheese

Men of the typewriter generation were more confident.

They didn’t have the option to backspace. Not even a type. One misslip and their entire point may be lost to interpretation. Pure Faith in yourself. I’ve backspaced 6 times writing these 4ish sentences. Image a whole novel, or a poem where ‘White Space’ and ‘visual appearance’ of structure


Imagine the inability to quickly correct. 

Do you think most wrote on paper then transferred over?

I don’t respect this when first hearing but the rationale makes sense.

Maybe they only typed slower, more sure footed. 

But today we are sped up. In overdrive from constant technological stimulation. I know I am, my phone seduces me by the minute if i’m not actively engaged in something else. Luckily this forces me to get deeply involved in multiple rabbit holes as a form of ..?Postive Distraction? 

In a few years or months, we’ll be looking at social media captions and tweets/content the same way. Able to edit, adjust our message on the whim - much like a digital press release was compared to a newspaper headline of your shit aired to the World. The Web gave the ability to quickly correct. 

Soon the progression will be the ability to correct quicker (comparatively, relatively).

This applies every where. Especially with consumption.

Consumption and duration-from-start-to-finish has rose tenfold. 

Take food for ex.

At one point you had to get the land ready, plant, tend, care, harvest, clean, prep, cook, eat. Now because of fast food, the consumption of grub has been reduce to just EAT. Maybe add ‘pay cheaply’ infront of it. 

This takes away the magic. It’s happened with everything from accomplishments (likes/engagement vs. actual universal ‘accomplishment’) to sexual gratification and the Playboy pin up, Hustler then Pornhub evolution.

This whole world is somehow collapsing on itself through quickness and the false pretense of Efficiency. 

If you believe we’re ‘efficient’ now just look at the evolution of the modern workforce.

Computer, printers, fax machines, email etc etc etc were supposed to free up the workers time:

2hrs to copy over a board message now takes only 6seconds to copy and paste and print? 

So in our hypothetical utopia the workers workload is fractioned. More time for the family, for personal pursuit, for exploration of the individually unknown aspect of Their World? 

sike bitch

Now that 6 seconds is the normal, the bare minimum. 

Add responsibility on top of expectation after this and the whole economy follows suit.

It’s why in the late 20th century ‘economy’ and the ‘growth of economy’ was the topic of convo because now the worker can be squeezed till his last drop while make the world spin even faster - a pure correlation between ‘PRODUCTIVITY(?)” and ‘technological advancement’

(There is an upside to this. Will expand in the future.)

a prediction of our digression, disguised as progress, in travel and the time-between-A-and-B: Right now you have to get in your car to get to work. A day in the future you’ll be able to work right from home. Theoretically we’re already there because of Covid [weird]

But i mean a day where you can ‘transport’ your physical self to a different location. This removes your travel time, a time where you [based on the usual model of economy] aren’t being productive.

We’re past the point of Progress but not Growth.

Do you agree with this statement?

send me your thoughts,


Souled Idea

Underground Preacher

Traphouse Poet

Back Alley Philosopher


Dec31 2021


Dec29 2021