Jan23 2022

Themes: creator economy, artist spotlight, golden fingertips

Words: 844

Read Time: A City Minute

hub for private playlist

For all readers of the Aesthetic Archetypes, the private playlist have been updated with about 111 new songs. Enjoy & thank you for sending in your personal recommendations! I never post discounts but I’m curious to see who really reads these & retains… *scratches chin slowly*

so for 24hrs you can use code MARLBOROREDSANDWHISKY for treat here.


it’ll just be set to 25% off until tomorrow. HERE


This leads into something interesting about our society today:

We live in the truest form of a creator economy. 

From your fingertips you can release a personal creation out to the world, to millions of people.

This is the core of ecom (creating an entire digital store)

& is even the root conception of modern influential artist (like Virgil Abloh, RIP, who basically treated Instagram like a personal portfolio where he uploaded his creations, eventually snowballing into him becoming head of Louis Vuitton menswear..)

It’s wild the power that technological advancements + social media has given us everydaymen!

Looking back as recent as the mid-late 20th century this would’ve been a Godsend. 

Back then you actually had to hu$tle for your creations to be heard of across the world. Maybe even had to set up on the sidewalk to show your paintings.

When Picasso was starting he hated the idea of showcasing in a gallery where ‘critics’ could judge and prod at his work. Like a show monkey. So he was forced to sell his works for scraps to any bohemian collectors that were interested. The most inflectional artist of the 20th century was held to a measly audience of maybe a couple 100,000 people around the Montemarte, France area?

YOU can reach that many people after 1 month of seriously growing a social media presence. 

This epitomizes the day and age we live in, especially creatively. 

I’ve always followed a belief similar to this:

If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is around to hear it, it doesn’t make a sound.

Refute me, philosophize the opposite if you must, but I apply this same belief to creation, Art.

If you write a work of fiction or paint a canvas that could change the Worlds trajectory but decide to put it away in your desk drawer you’re a coward. Your work goes unknown. 

People can argue the purest form of Art is when it’s not created for an audience. (Artist rebel and revolutionary Henri Matisse would adamantly deny this)

The catch is that a creator now isn’t creating for-the-world. 

He/She is just creating, then pushing it to the World, so that maybe someone who stumbles across it is touched.

Have you heard those dorky zoomers say shit like

“Travis Scott saved my life” 

I machete swing every time I hear this. But the point, and how it’s relevant, is that Travis Scott created music -> shared it with the World -> touched peoples lives

We up all night, from dawn to dusk it's always poppin'
I fell in love, fell outta love, we both had options

This is why there’s no virtue in hoarding your work. 

Artist achieving posthumous fame after cowardly avoiding risk throughout their life are cursed with the ever eternal question, was it the added occurrence of death that gave my work worth?

And I believe most cases of this are a fear of judgement. Afraid of the world spitting in your face and hating on something you spent days, weeks, months working on.

Trust me, this will happen. But the outcome is nothing more than; 

  1. Thicker skin towards criticism

  2. A reaffirming of the simple fact that nobodies option even matters.

Haters just mean you have something to hate on. It’s all one big game anyways, understand this!

Because I believe adamantly in the Creator Economy and putting yourself out there Artistically; i’m going to use these writing to introduce and highlight a creator or two every week. 

Be it books, paintings, fashion, etc. 

This will help us create a database of Artists in our sphere who are creating for our World, our Generation!

A place of reference to find young Men and Women Aesthete!

A digital hub analogous to the infamous Catalan Els Quatre Gats mentioned on Jan 4th!

Here’s a powerful work by our Sunday Jan 23rd artist Zach Brown titled Left Death and Right Death.

Left Death Right Death

You can find his instagram here or his online portfolio here.
I won’t turn these into critiques, because who but God can even begin to put grasp Art? Especially with all its subjectivity!

But definitely go explore his work. Buy a painting if it speaks to you!

This is honestly a great example of using the tools you have to promote the ideas in your head that you need to get out. 

Social Media has done us wonders for creating, and getting Art to the world.

Whatever you’re interested in you can use social media or a simple website builder to create a place showcasing all your work. Take advantage of this!

Also understand, this doesn’t have to be ‘creative.’

If you’re passionate about new architecture being built across the USA in 2022, create a place to hold and publicize all you’ve gathered. Follow this vein!

Somebody out there will be moved by what you put infront of them, AMEN!


Souled Idea

The Blue Eyed Bandit

The Funky Cold Medina






Jan25 2022


Jan21 2022