Jan25 2022

Themes: the big picture, new Lana, keep grindin’

Words: unknown

Read Time: 5 east Texas bull rides

O God,

O Lord,

O Heavenly Father,

Why did you condemn me to this Life?

Why did you sentence me to an 80ish year preamble to your real Show?

Why did you make us so handsome? Talented? Charismatic?
Did you purposely overflow us with these blessings?

Are we playing on easy mode? Is this a way of you showing favoritism?

Was it your conscious choice to give us the Free Will over our actions, thoughts, LIFE?

Regardless the answers,

Thank You for providing us with the energy and direction to complete your will here on Earth. The opening credits before you show us the real production in the afterlife


Young love don't always last forever
Wild horses can't keep us together
So what if you taste just like heaven
That don't make it right
Hot summer and cold watermelon
Your love stings like blood and a lemon

Everyone go check the new Lana. Music for good looking people who want to tap into into the feeling of heartache temporarily.

Sometimes random tweets will pop. This happens when it either 1. Resonates with many people. Or 2. Pisses many people off. Both are fun to watch in real time.

This one is certainly the former and because of that should be expanded on.

The underlying theme here is that your actions and what you’re doing right now = who you become. You’re consciously, at all times, morphing into a the lump sum of your habits.

This is why physiognomy is SPOT ON ACCURATE. Somebody with a seedy shady history takes on the look of a sly fox. Etc etc. there’s good book excerpt somewhere showing this, I’ll find it and upload another time.

you = your habits. You can’t escape this.

Something more important here though, and I hope this resonates with the younger cats that read this, is just because you’re doing something that doesn’t mean it’s the end all be all.

There’s a time & season for everything. A lesson to be learned at all happenings.

Don’t get discouraged if you’re having to wash dishes for money right now. Don’t beat yourself up for working a dead end job. Don’t lose sight of where you want to go, because of where you are.

I mean this! Hear me loudly!

Show no humility because you’re having to taxi drive to earn some scratch. You aren’t a crumb, a square, a bum. You’re hustling.

Now most importantly(!)

You only become a dead beat loser when these gigs are all you see for you future.
You become a shell of a man when you have no greater vision and purpose.

If you’re sweating bullets over a hot stove cheffing for $10 an hour, own that shit. Because it’s only temporary. You’re doing it to earn some bank roll, to get your capital up.

So what I really want to zap like lightning into that handsome brain of yours is don’t beat yourself up. Don’t lose sight of your WHY.

It’ll build character.

& one day when you’re overlooking Lake Como from your villa you’ll be laughing to the point of tears remembering the days you lived in a shitty one bedroom and flipped burgers to keep the dream alive.

God Bless!


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