Jan31 2022

Theme: Succubi, Canadian Heros, DRUHGS

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“I would devour you”

Her sultry voice hints that maybe she could. 100% would.

Now the Devils an ugly sonofabitch, ears elongated, pointed to Heaven as if his bodies stretching in one last hope of once again reaching up to the Holy ground. 

But while ugly, the King of Sin can dance. 

I’ve been led around the ballroom by him many a time. 

Leading me like a starving puppy with a treat dangling in front of a wide eyed stare and open salivating mouth.

But after so many of these dances you get familiar to the foreboding sound. 

Orffs’ O Fortuna going from min to max volume in the back of your head while temptation grins in front of you. Waiting to see if you bite.

(english translation)

so at this hour
without delay
pluck the vibrating strings;
since Fate
strikes down the strong man,
everyone weep with me!

I bit.

“you might”

“Some people say I’m a succubi”

“ah, demonic woman spirit sent to steal vitality of young Man?”

The scene for this conversation is in a bar with something Doses and Mimosas esque mixing behind us. 

Weird mix of energy but weird > boring, always.

When I go out it’s to get drunk and dance with eyes closed hands up waist leaned back. Some of my homies go to meet fly chicks, some to wreck havoc. But i go to get jiggy. Not grinding on women jiggy… Don’t get it twisted. More like a 1960’s Parisian pop dance floor jiggy (the real ones know, cheers)

No dance floor, No Winston.. No exceptions. 

This girl had been coming to the same spot as me for a couple nights. 

My dance floor muse.

We’d wink, smile, flirt across the floor.

She can’t dance as good as me but I was attracted to her self expression. Glitter around the eyes, not afraid to get creative. Not a slave to others opinions. I value this truly!

I tell her this on the crowded dance floor. I also tell her I don’t want to know anything but her name. This would ruin the ‘idea’ of her in my head. 

Unfortunately she came up to me when I was posted on the wall waiting for the girl i came with (friend that i have long history with, you get this yes?) to bring me a drink

So I play along,


“Yes just like that, here to take your vitality.”

She asks for my number, I give it (Curiosity killed the cat)

then, “I can’t hangout tonight though, I leave for Boston in the morning.”

No sweat, who invited you to hangout? 

Assumptive 21st century women *smirk* 

“Are you vaccinated?”

Strange question to ask in fun scene.

“No” I flex my eyebrows downward in that subtle judgey way as if implying why would anyone this handsome, fit and genius get that?

“Oh, my dad just died of covid this week. That’s why i’m going to Boston.”

*insert red flag emojis*

*insert color blind emojis*

She fakes a smile to reduce the heaviness. Told her to stop that, the unnatural lines rippling from her lips give away the pain. 

People grieve in their own ways. I don’t know if I’d be at a bar after losing my Father but she’s not me.

Eventually says her Mom in Boston is high risk and that’s why she wanted to know if I was vaxxed. Makes sense. 

We make out. O Fortuna gets louder, bouncing through my brain like a fire alarm.

I get a tap on shoulder with my drink. Phew. I’m grateful because I was beginning to sway towards the Devils tune. I go back to dance floor.

Maybe we see this succubi again, can’t say I care truthfully but too wild of an up and down story not to tell. 

Send prayers for her family!

To the good news!

Covid regulations are lifting across the globe.

 “Denmark declares Covid no longer a threat to society!” amongst others.

And not to mention the pressure in Canada with the heroic efforts of the truck drivers. I never imagined the USA would get out freedom’d and out spirited by our continental brothers up North but damn am I admiring their fight! Inspirational.

Making a macro prediction that Covid regulations may be all but non existent come Summer. 

Making a more unhinged prediction/theory that Covid was nothing but a disguise to hide one of the largest changes of wealth in history among powerful families and banks. 

Is it coincidence that Crypto plummets as covid loosens up?

Are your grocery stores fully stocked?

Why are guys wearing black nail polish?

Is birth control making our women square shaped?

We live in a crazy time folks!

Buckle up, enjoy the ride, make some money, find a good family loving honey, protect you and yours.

Also, want to share somethin’ personal. I’m drug free for one week. This is the longest period of time since 2017.

5 years. Crazy.

I’ve been shivering, sweating, throwing up off my balcony (sorry sidewalk enjoyers).

I kid. Actually hasn’t been bad, been keeping so busy that I don’t think about it. This somewhat explains my hiatus. 

But I can feel the drugs leaving my system. Things are much more clear. My dreams (literal, nighttime dreams) are in 4k, can actually see the pores on the people’s skins, the design of the jewelry they wear, the colors of their eyes. Mindblowingly vivid.  This is different than when I used to wake up just remembering the ‘big picture’ or ‘overall idea’ of the dream.

Thanks for reading this far if you did and if there’s interest (ie. form below) I may deep dive into drugs another time.

But much love from me to you my brothers and sisters always.

Do you feel the world shifting Upwards? 



Souled Idea

The Blue Eyed Bandit

The Slickest Child of God


Feb4 2022


Jan25 2022